the present state of society, it appears necessary to go back to first
principles in search of the most simple truths, and to dispute with some
prevailing prejudice every inch of ground."
The Vindication of the Rights of Woman: With Strictures on
Political and Moral Subjects was written by Mary Wollstonecraft and was first
published in January ,1792.
Mary Wollstonecraft is regarded as one of the founding
feminist philosophers. The publication of Vindication caused considerable
controversy but failed to bring about any immediate reforms. From the 1840s,
however, members of the incipient American and European women’s movements
resurrected some of the book’s principles. It was a particular influence on
American women’s rights pioneers such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Margaret
I came across this book while I was reading “The Idea of
Justice" by Amartya Sen; there he talks about her work which has been
remarkable in bringing about the perspective on human rights and the injustices
in society especially with regards to women.
The Vindication of the Rights of Woman consists of
thirteen chapters. All the chapters cover a wide range of subjects which
include education and morality.
In her work, Wollstonecraft goes to the very basic
principles of the education and the bringing up of women. She criticizes the
prevailing ideas of that time which reduce the nature of women to
a frivolous femininity.
She criticizes the opinions of the then contemporary
writers and philosophers. She goes on to argue that women are, since
birth, reduced to objects of superficial aesthetics and decoration. The
prevailing education restrains the mind of woman to insignificant
pleasures, and they are indoctrinated from childhood to take upon as their
sole occupation, to please the man. This creates a community of vain and
distracted women who are unable to properly perform their duties as wives and
mothers or take care of household.
One of the things that the book talks about in details is
virtue. Wollstonecraft is concerned by the division of sex leading to an
unclear understanding of virtue. Women are taught to be obedient and follow
rules, they are not veered towards relying on their reason or the pursuit
of virtues. She believes that society can progress and work well only when both
the sexes work towards becoming virtuous and rely on their reason. The
book focuses on highlighting the importance of reason for the female sex.
The book talks of the various problems that arise out of
sexual distinctions in the society. How it affects the domestic and social
pursuits of people.
"Would men but generously snap our chains and be
content with rational fellowship instead of slavish obedience, they would find
us more observant daughters, more affectionate sisters, more faithful wives, more
reasonable mothers-- in a word, better citizens. "
Mary Wollstonecraft in this book has repeatedly
analysed the nature of love and affection that exists between men and
women and how it is affected by the nature of women. She has highlighted
throughout the text the importance of mutual respect and friendship over
passionate love. She talks of domestic duties and how harmful passion is for a
peaceful household.
In her book, she goes on to propose a liberal system of
education where male and female students are taught together and pursue similar
virtues. Where they learn to live with each other without sexual distinctions
and build friendship and respect. She speaks with contempt about the system of
teaching children at home or boarding schools. She has also criticized the
religious education system.
Looking at it now it seems completely
natural, but for a woman to hold such views in the eighteenth century was
revolutionary and brave.
In this book, Mary Wollstonecraft, not only talks of the specific rights
of women but she delves into the very nature of women, she criticizes their
education and goes on to highlight the way it has affected the nature of
women, rendering them weaker and more ignorant than they are. She
criticizes, analyses and then proposes her solutions.
Although still relevant, there are some
differences in the feminism proposed there and what is accepted in the
contemporary. Today, we talk about defying gender roles, but in this
book, we find that the writer has given great importance to the role women
play in the society as wives and mothers.
Our problems have changed, so have the ideas. Modern day
feminism has evolved and included many new issues that pertain to the current
social design. The basic principles , however have remained the same.
The principal takeaway from this book was the understanding
of female nature and the causes that have led to the limitations in it. The
writer had very well justified her demand for equality for the female sex. It
is always interesting to go back to the foundations and read about the ideas
that we support.
"Be just then, O ye men of understanding! and mark not
more severely what women do amiss, than the vicious tricks of the horse or the
ass for whom ye provide provender-- and allow her the privileges of ignorance,
to whom ye deny the rights of reason, or ye will be worse than Egyptian task
masters, expecting virtue where nature has not given understanding."
Interestingly, Mary Wollstonecraft has also written A
Vindication of the Rights of Man and I will certainly read it once I get my
hands on it.
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