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Showing posts from April, 2023

Reading The Politics by Aristotle

   Once I had finished reading The Republic by Plato, I developed an interest in the entire building a city thing. I picked up The Politics by Aristotle as my next read. It took me months to finish reading the Politics, reading and rereading the chapters and googling words throughout the book. The Republic was a dialogue which was fun to get through, The Politics however, is a treatise, it is a really long essay (almost 300 pages) , and after reading it I sit face to face with my laptop to write this review while I am completely overwhelmed because, let’s face it , how am i supposed to review something like this? It's a classic and I doubt that I even understood it enough to review it in its entirety. The Politics is divided into 8 books, which consist of multiple chapters each. Collectively they answer different questions such as: what is the best form of governance? Why have a government at all? Aristotle proposes that all societies are established for a purpose, that is to le